Meeting Room/ Boardroom Installation
Meeting Room & Boardroom Installation

Our acreddited technicians will help your organisation acheive an immersive meeting room experience with the seamless integration of the latest technologies.

Effective communication is essential in ensuring growth and progression within any organisation. With the latest in video conferencing & presentation media technologies installed into your meeting room and/or boardroom allowing you to connect with anyone regardless of geographical location, productivity has never been easier. With hybrid & remote working becoming ever present in businesses in 2023, quick and seamless collaboration with colleagues and/or clients has become much more effiecient with urgent and spontaneous meetings able to be arranged within minutes.

More Productive Than You Think


78% of working professionals believe virtual meetings are equally or even more productive than in-person ones.

Meeting Room AV Solution, with wall mounted TV and camera and control panel

Meeting Room Installation with TV Screen, Control Panel and Room Booking System.

Small Meeting Room with TV Screen, Screen Mounted Camera and Microphone.

Large Meeting Room with Wall Mounted Screen and Camera with Table Microphone.

Installing the latest in audio and video solutions will ensure your organisation adapts to the constant evolution of technologies to help streamline your processes.

Whether you are a large business or working within a smaller team, being able to run engaging meetings and presentations with clients or staff for sign off on tasks/projects using features such as interactive cameras, speakers and microphones that sense and react to the person speaking will significantly speed up your deicsion making process.

Your organisation may already be using a specific video conferencing platform such as Webex, Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet, and are looking to integrate new AV equipment seamlessly into your current set up, or you may be looking for a complete new solution installed. The advancement of technologies has allowed this process to become very easy, and our highly trained and skilled technicians can support your company's requirements to ensure high quality collaboration.
If you are looking for ways to hold meetings in a cost effective, time efficient and environmental way, enhancing your current meeting set up is the first step you should take!

Benefits of AV for your Meeting Room

  • Improves Your Team Communications
  • Quicker Decision Making Process
  • Improves Company Productivity
  • Environmental Impact
  • Low Cost Benefits